
Man's Constituents: Pneuma

     Man is a single entity devised and expressed through several elements. The ancient Egyptians believed in seven parts of a man. Each piece played a role both in life and in death. Some were merely physical, some spiritual, others odd mixtures of both. All parts existed and reflected the uniqueness of the individual. This was the first civilization to take a long, hard look at what it took to be who you are, how it impacted others around you, and your life after death.

     The first of the modern Western components is the soul, pneuma. The soul is an eternal reflection on life’s actions. The Greek means “breath” or “to blow” and angles perspective to the energy and liveliness of the soul. The soul is the spirit of life that provides the substance from which life is derived.
     The soul will live for eternity and speaks of the greatness and goodness or wickedness and selfishness expressed during life. Life is the loom that weaves what the soul becomes, every stitch revealing the character of the craftsman.

     A man must be certain that he is creating a piece that will be suitable in the conditions of his afterlife. Picturing life after death as a ship tossed on a sea, it would be foolish for a man to craft a scarf; sails would be much more appropriate. Our decisions in life are reflected in our judgement in death. Pick your convictions and consistently follow them. Achieving goals is more admirable than drifting aimlessly through life and will reflect poorly on you once you've passed through life's opportunities.

Agatha Tyche

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