The heart has caused more pain and more joy than any other part of history. It is responsible for erecting great empires, but it is also the cause of morale to falter, the army to fail, and that same empire to disintegrate into the past.
Kardia, the Greek word for heart, encompasses its full range of potential. Like all the gifts of mankind, the heart is a two-edged sword. Its passions force us to sculpt masterpieces and preform works of wonder. Its drive gives ambition to achieve greatness in ourselves and, further, to inspire others. The soul may stir, the mind plan, but without the heart's energy, no designs would ever be accomplished. The heart is the energy plant of the human body. Its desires coerce our actions.
Egyptians mythology held that the heart controlled the thoughts since it was responsible for driving passions. After death, the heart was weighed against a feather of the goddess Isis to determine if the heart was weighed down with guilt. This guilt ranged from mistreating others or desecrating a temple to exploiting those socially below you and misusing your resources.
If these people held the heart's power to such high importance as to have their entire life judged by it after death, modern man should recognize the power that the heart possesses is key to reaching the full potential of life.
What's a man to do? Use these necessary and valuable components of life to be all he can be.
1.) Motivation comes from the heart.
2.) Planning develops from the mind.
3.) The sum of these actions are compiled in your soul to forge the individual you are becoming.
Agatha Tyche
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